1984 Rainbow Ponies

The rainbow ponies are ponies who all have rainbow colored manes and tails. This set's hair is red, yellow, green and blue.

Moonstone Parasol Skydancer Starshine Sunlight Windy

Parasol is a light pink pony with rainbow hair and a bunch of small parasols as her symbols. I bought mine from a seller in the pony community (The New Gray Mare). She did not really require any restoration work when I recieved her.


Sunlight Is a light blue pony with a rainbow mane and a cloudy sun as her cutiemark. She was my first ever rainbow pony. When I first got her, her bangs were a little cut so I ended up rehairing only the red on her bangs. She has a few minor scuffs on her face but they are not very noticeable.


Windy is a very light purple unicorn with a rainbow mane and purple, "windy" swirls as her cutiemarks. I had gotten her for very cheap as I had 10 dollars left on a gift card and just bought the cheapest g1 pony I could find in an attempt to use up the rest of that gift card. Mine (and most other vintage Windys) have faded bodies, to the point where many people would not guess she was originally light purple (She looks more like a light grey). She has a sharpie mark on the bottom of her hoof but it isn't noticeable.
